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As a result of efforts by Councilmember Bob Blumenfield to get the developer to further revise the Project, Save Oak Savanna has agreed to terms of a settlement with the developer that resolves a 15-year battle over development of this site off San Feliciano Drive and Mulholland Drive.

The settlement provides for the preservation of two lots at the north end of the Project with an option to acquire a third lot, which will be donated to the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) for preservation of the most dense section of protected oak grove.

In addition, a large section of the parcel stretching from Mulholland Drive at the south end to the donated lots at the north end of the parcel, will be designated as a Conservation Easement, also under the control of the MRCA. No development of any kind will be allowed on these sections of land, forever.

Our settlement requires the withdrawal of all Appeals at the City Council PLUM hearing tomorrow, Tuesday, December 8. All Appellants including the MRCA, Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, Louisville High School and other individual appellants have agreed to withdraw their Appeals.

Our land use attorney, Rob Glushon of Luna & Glushon brokered the settlement agreement with the developer’s attorney with help from SOS, SMMC, MRCA, Louisville HS, the individual appellants, as well as Councilmember Blumenfield and his staff.

We ask that you support this settlement which is important to protect the benefits of increased open space and protection of more trees all of which is enforceable by SOS and MRCA. Your support now is just as important as at anytime in the past.

We also want to bring to attention the decisions being made by our State legislators that are limiting the ability of local agencies to enforce current Planning and Zoning laws and ordinances. The decisions being made in Sacramento are affecting us in our own neighborhoods here in Southern California. The single family home communities are under attack. Please pay attention to what’s happening and voice your opinion to your State Senator and Assembly Member whenever you have the opportunity. It will make a difference.

We invite your questions and depend on your support.


Or simply send a check to:
Save Oak Savanna
22287 Mulholland Hwy #78
Calabasas, CA 91302

Save Oak Savanna is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit organization.
Your generous donations are tax-deductible.


Make a Difference and Save Oak Savanna and Your Neighborhood

© 2005-2020 Save Oak Savanna
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